Build Quick and Beautiful WordPress Sites in 1 Day.

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This course is a building Web Site course using WordPress.
WordPress is a widely-known platform used by 33% of all websites on the internet! There are so many ways to approach using WordPress that it can be hard to know where to start.
This course will take you on a clear and easy journey through installation, customization, and launch of a WordPress site (without writing a line of back-end code!) so that you can get great-looking websites up and running quickly, whether it’s for a client request or for your own use.
Course Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the student will know how to:
- Describe how WordPress came to be and why you’d use it
- Launch a WordPress site live on the web
- Mock up a WordPress site structure
- Find and install the perfect theme for your needs
- Customize a design to fit your content
- Host your website online (TekZone will offer you a hosting space online)
- And More
- They is no prerequisites for this course (Any one can take it)!!!
- But a problem solver mindset is an advantage
Download Syllabus
Some Success Stories!!!
There are some links from some people who attended to last sessions of this course :
The Learning Hub:
The Virtual School:
Start Engineering:
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