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Hippolyte & Nervis Win

Join us in congratulating Hippolyte and Nervis for being selected as the winners of the first African Leadership Bridge scholarship for the TekZone Leadership Development Program. They each will receive the equivalent of $6600 (3.300.000 Fcfa) in leadership development program over the 24 months duration of the program. This includes possibly a trip to the USA to further enhance skills and knowledge.

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About the TekZone Leadership Development Program

At TekZone, we believe that Africa will be lifted into the status of a world leader through its dynamic, innovative and entrepreneurial youth. This program is designed to help young Africans turn these qualities into tangible results

About The African Leadership Bridge

The African Leadership Bridge is championing the next generation of African leaders through sustainable scholarships and a strong support network to provide the tools and experience needed to drive change in the African continent. Established in 2006, African Leadership Bridge has worked with the African Leadership Academy to identify promising African students with a strong entrepreneurial drive and a dedication to the transformation of the African continent through hard work and leadership.

1 thought on “Hippolyte & Nervis Win

  1. A big thank you to the Tekzone Team for this wonderful opportunity given to me, It is a life changing one. I am ready to learn, contribute and have a great time with the team.

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